Sunday 6 December 2015

An Elephant Never Forgets...But What About a Tiger?

“Right now I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before.”-Steven Wright 

The truth is that we all have moments of forgetfulness; that can be potentially embarrassing or just plain inconvenient, thats just a part of life and most of us have learned to deal with it. But for a child who has dyslexia it can be the bane of their life as they struggle to recall their times tables under pressure, or repeatedly forget when their homework is due in. Many dyslexic children suffer with poor working memory, which could lead to struggles in and outside of the classroom. Whether your child is dyslexic or not, all children could benefit with some memory improvement. Recently I’ve been on the hunt for some of the best memory activities to do with your child! One of my favourite ways for children to learn is to play multi sensory games, i.e. games that excite and engage all 5 of their senses. These types of games will ensure that your child retains the most information. Just a few focused minutes per day every day, and you could see an improvement in your child’s memory, and subsequently their school work will also improve.

There are several types of memory games available and it is up to you which one you choose to play with your child. The games need not be expensive, in fact if you have the time you can make a DIY version from scratch yourself. Sometimes these are the best ones! Over the years in my work with children, I have made and played many memory and attention games. These are especially fun when the games are tailor made. If little Jonny’s main interest is rainbow coloured parrots, then a game designed with parrots will be of most interest to little Johnny. He will take pride in his game and be excited to play it more often.  

If you don’t have time to make your own memory games why not think about buying one? One of my absolute favourite shops is Tiger. It is a fantastic place to pick up anything that you think you need, from quirky cooking utensils to stationery and games for the kids, all at a reasonable price. Recently I purchased two memory games from there, and I think they are two of the best off-the-shelf games on a budget available at the moment,One of the games consists of colourful card faces, with amusing expressions. This is a great game to play with the kids as it is colourful and fun to look at. The second game is basically the same format, but your child can draw on the cards to create their own personalised cards. I drew mine with a black sharpie to make it stand out, but you could use any kind of material, try paint or glitter for a more christmassy effect!


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